August Tarot Forecast

What is Obvious

Eight of Cups

We can see now, what the problems are in our life, and what the thing is that isn’t working. Because we’ve been puzzling through our inner world we can now tangibly see the change needed. It’s understandable to feel some turmoil at this point- the eight of cups is full of eclipse energy. When the moon blocks the light of the sun she allows us to fully immerse in our inner world. That is where both wisdom and the keys which unlock our chains can be found. We move into a moment of motivation now, and we can see how things are going to get better. We know we are done being stagnant, and we know that there is an opportunity on the horizon that will make our lives so much better. Onward and Upward!

What is to be Revealed

The Devil

Why so afraid? Fear as an emotion can be all consuming, but the emotional response passes quicker than we realize. When we engage with our shadow, we often unintentionally trigger the emotion response over and over again, and cause a loop of stress. Your fear doesn’t wish you harm and stagnancy, It’s a part of you, and it wants to help. Fear tells us what is most important to us. Fear points us to where we want to go, and often shows us the quickest route to safety. We’re meeting a challenge head on, of course fear is going to be involved. The defining moment will come when we take on the source of our discomfort, fight that beast head on, and integrate them into the solution- the key which truly opens the door and lets us come out of the dungeon, once again into the light. If we have to do it afraid, we must do it afraid.

What is Obvious

Five of Pentacles

We saw this card in last months collective reading, but this time it appears upright! This signifies progress in our money matters, even if its progress we haven’t seen pay out yet. The five of pentacles this month speaks to a big loss in our emotional security. Something or someone we believed we could count on has failed us one too many times. We see that the trials and tribulations over this could be our undoing. This has been consuming much of our mental space, and we have been confronted with the decision to either stay in a situation that is dangerous for us, or to trudge upward and out of this place, whatever the cost. 

What is to be Revealed

The Eight of Swords

We have turned a blind eye to a potential solution. Our stagnancy isn’t of our own making, sure, but we do have all that is needed to free ourselves from the bonds that hold us. In fact, we are surrounded with tools and weapons that can free us and take us wherever we want to go. When we fully remove the blindfold and take a look around, we can see the way out is simple. We have community to fall back on. We have guardians and spirit guides waiting for us to move, so they can swoop in and place blessings along the path forward. We must open our eyes, select one of the tools at our disposal, and free ourselves. Thats it. Trust that the next step will make itself known once we make our first move.

What is Obvious

The Knight of Cups Reversed

If we’ve succeeded in identifying the problem- if we know what we need to fight- if we see what we must cut out- and if we have removed all blindfolds- what the hell is still holding us back? The knight in reversal points to egotistical mindset and how it confines. Wether the ego we are engaging with is our own, or that of another person- we are dealing now with a lack of commitment, jealousy, deception, self-indulgence, and undeserved pridefulness. Is there a liar in our midst? Someone in our close proximity has deep holes which they have not the ability to fill themselves, and have resorted to taking resources from another. Vampires need the blood of others to survive, taking it by force is in their nature. The vampire can choose, then, to get blood either from those who deserve it or those who consent to it. We see that this relationship, as it stands, is abusive in nature. We see that it must be dealt with, boundaries need to be made, and the neediness of the ego must seek blood elsewhere. 

What is to be Revealed

The Four of Wands Reversed

The troll under the bridge demands a fee. Bridges transform us, and connect us into new realities. If the river is the deep and rushing darkness, traversing this threshold will demand an offering. So, it’s best to get ahead of the game and come prepared. Let’s figure out what we need to sacrifice. Dig deep into meditation with your spirit guides, with the intention of revealing any positive attributes you may have forgotten. Let your guides reinvigorate you and remind of all the reasons why you can traverse this change. The vampires mentioned above are represented with the troll pictured on this deck’s four. Pay the toll, get the blood to where it needs to go- but make it the last time. Burn the bridge after you cross it, and the troll can no longer demand payments they haven’t earned. It’s going to be okay, because you aren’t going turn back this time, you’re going to chase after what you love.

What is Obvious

The Three of Cups

We need, NEED- a celebration with friends! There are great people in our lives, and companionship with those who support us is more than merely a good time, though that’s reason enough alone! It’s a rush of lifeblood, often concentrated in a single evening. We need our friends around us. We need a good drink, a yummy snack, a song we love playing in the background and a big ass belly laugh. The times we spend having the most fun with community are also the times when solutions rise to the surface, when emotions can safely be poured out, and when there is love enough to fill any cup to overflowing. There is more than enough out there. We need to connect with our crew, as soon as possible.

What is to be Revealed

The Nine of Cups

Look at how perfectly these cards fit together! All the magical cats! The nine of cups is a tasty treat, the reward for all the work we’ve done. Connecting with friends is the answer, It’s what allows our wish to come true. We get to have exactly what we want this time. It’s going to be even more delicious that we can imagine it. Life is about to get very sweet for a time. The sacrifices we made, the fights we fought, the planning and striving and work- all of it is designed to get us to this place! We will arrive here, before August is over. We will attain our goal, luck will come through, events will line up. Look for synchronicities and follow black cats, they are the symbol to carry with you this month.

Final Theme

The Seven of Pentacles Reversed

Wake up.

No more sleeping and dissociating needlessly.

No more using the struggle as a way to excuse inaction or gain attention.

No more stagnancy.

No more allowing vines to curl around you and hold you down.

Cut them free. Stand up. Notice the scarecrow- its been protecting you this entire time, while you lay listless. You were never alone. You Were Never Truly Abandoned. You’ve taken the time to rest, and that’s good, you needed it. There will be more rest after this period of change is traversed, it is promised to you. But now is not the time for sleep. It’s time to Move.

Many blessings to you this month of August, in the year 2024. 

Fortune follow you,

King Everluck


Eternal Sovereignty


Spirit Flame of the Moon